Kamis, 19 April 2012

Information about business letters

There are many kinds of business letters such as :

1. Letter of inquiry :
They are the simple request for information , such as : literature,favors, reservations, appoinments, and so on.

2. Letters Answering Request
They are answering all the coming orders from big and small companies. Some times they are use a special from form for this kind of letter,unless it requires a personal massage.
They some times difficult to write because they have to refuse a customer's requests, to tell the delay of delivery. These letters require the utmost tact and courtesy.

3. Claim and Adjusment Letters
Sometimes a customer complains about things you do for him. Thus , you have write a replay to this dissapointed customer.

4. Credit and Collection Letters
These letters are answering people who send letters asking for credits which are the basis of business transactions. The answering are usually favorable.
Collection letters are usent to those who receive credits. They might forget to pay the loan back. The letters shoul remind , reason , and threaten sometimes

5. Sales Letters
People use these letters for special purpose : for selling products or services.

6. Employment Letters
These letters are for getting a position, asking about a position , yhanking for an interview and resigning from a position

7. Social- Business Letters
Business people write these letters to maintain friendly relationship with customers and other business acquaintances. This business correspondence includes : Letters of congratulation , letters of sympathy , invitations , letters of friendship,and thank you letters. They promote goodwill among the writes and the receivers. 

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